How you can help out
There are many ways you can help the PTFA, whether you have lots of time to offer or not.
There are many ways you can get involved with the PTFA that don’t have to be time consuming! You help out with Treat Fridays at the end of the school day, sell raffle tickets at an event or get involved in one of the events we organise (Colour Run, Christmas Jumper Sale, Christmas Tree Festival, Summer Festival). Read more about event volunteering below.
Become a committee member
The PTFA committee meets regularly to organise events and fundraising. Having a few extra people on the committee helps to divide up tasks and get more done for the school. The amount of time you commit to the PTFA is up to you, but every extra pair of hands really does make a difference. Email to find out more.
Ways you can help:
Event set up and clear down team - the serious stage hands.
Raffle prize collectors - got the gift of the gab?
Event helpers - running a stall, face painting, tattoo or henna, game operators, tea makers, star bakers!
Graphic designers for posters and flyers - creative cools.
Those with grant application experience - form filling fabulousness.
Performers - could you run an adult class, pub quiz, be Santa or his elf?! Fame but without the money.
Events first aid - rarely needed but oh so helpful!
Website administrator - no specific experience needed, just some imagination!
And you can always support PTFA events by simply turning up.
Support our events
In the past, we have run Christmas discos, a stand at the Barrow Christmas street market, Treat Fridays, a Rainbow raffle, and our Summer Festival. All the funds raised have been used to support the children and school. We always need more vounteers to support with organising these events. We are also open to any new events that you would like to organise, as well as being keen for local businesses and employers to sponsor our events. Please get in touch with your ideas or questions by contacting
We also always need volunteers to help out at our events.