Upcoming events.

Frozen Fridays
to 11 Jul

Frozen Fridays

Every Friday afternoon during the summer term, we’ll be selling ice lollies around the school grounds. Lollies from 50p to £1. All funds go towards enhancing the school experience for every child at Hall Orchard.

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Colour Fun Run and Obstable Course

Colour Fun Run and Obstable Course

Save the date. Times to be confirmed.

We hope to use funds raised at the Colour Run to further support sport in school and make upgrades to playground markings following a recent request from the student council.

We’ll be sharing more information here and through email soon.

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Christmas disco

Christmas disco

Get the kids ready to celebrate the start of the Christmas break by dancing to all their favourite tunes. Each ticket includes a drink and a gift. There will also be a tuckshop selling sweets and crisps, everything 50p. Discos are split by key stage and will take place at the following times:

  • EYFS - during school day.

  • KS1 - 3.20-4.20pm

  • KS2 - 4.45-5.45pm

If you have any questions or feedback please email ptfa@hall-orchard.leics.sch.uk. If you can spare some time to support the discos then please let us know via our sign up page.

Online ticket sales are now complete, but you can still buy a ticket on the door.

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Christmas Jumper Shop and Treat Day

Christmas Jumper Shop and Treat Day

We will be selling pre-loved Christmas jumpers and treats ahead of our Christmas events to help families save money while raising money to enhance the school experience. We have lots of jumpers in sizes from birth to adult. We’ll be asking for a minimum donation of £2 per item. If you have any jumpers to donate then please let us know, we’ll be taking as many as we can up until Thursday 28 November. If you have any questions or feedback please email ptfa@hall-orchard.leics.sch.uk. If you can spare some time to support the event then please let us know via our sign up page.

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